Visual Reward Apparatus
MedRx iVRA System
Product Code: iVRA
The MedRx iVRA system has been designed to achieve better results and a more user friendly approach to Visual Reinforcement Audiometry.
The system can utilise an iOS device with the MedRx iVRA iOS app to control the VRA system and MedRx audiometers that are using Studio software. The app allows a clinician is able to adjust level, frequency, presentation ear, presentation and visual rewarding. Four testing modes are available: conditioning, manual test, automatic test or video only.
Key Features:
- iPod Audiometer Control
- iPod Video Reward Control
- Testing with Single Clinician
- 52 Default Animations
- Custom Content Can Be Added
- Choice of Screen Size
- 4 Modes: Automatic Test, Manual Test, Conditioning or Video Only
- A2D+ Audiometer, Stealth Audiometer and ARC Compatible